I've always recognized the importance of keeping a journal for my posterity. Since we will all be famous, I figure it's the most obvious way to reach out to my many fans. But for some reason, I can not accomplish the simple task of opening up a blank book and penning down my disturbed thoughts. That's why I started this blog. I figured that where the pen and paper failed, the blogosphere would succeed. That's why I'm able to enter a staggering number of blog entries in such a short time. It looks like, if I keep up the pace, I'll be entering a blog entry about once a quarter.
Speaking of quarters, I've been collecting a bunch of Canadian quarters this quarter. Two Toronto trips in a month...fun. I just love cold rainy weather in April...especially when it's 75 degrees and sunny back home in "cold" Utah. Since I travel way too much, I've managed to collect an absurd amount of points with airlines and hotel chains. When you are a recognized travel celebrity like myself, you come to expect the perks of being a recognized individual. "Hello Mr. Newman." "Thank you so much for not trashing the room this time Mr. Newman." And so on.
So, of course it's expected that I will get a free upgrade with my stay at the prestigious Holiday Inn Express. "What will it be Mr. Newman, the Presidential Suite?" No thanks, I'll take the conference room suite.

"Every Man dies...but not every man really lives..."
I've been to quite a few places this year already, but I don't think I've ever been to a place like Mexico City. Even in Mexico City and recognized as I walk out the door and am greeted by 3 boxes. Each of these boxes contains a person who is furiously waving their hands at me. At first I thought they were asking for help, but then I realized they wanted my autograph. Or not, in reality, they just wanted to offer me a Taxi. So which one do I choose? What will the other two do if I don't choose them? I can't handle this pressure.
Once I got to the hotel, however, I was greeted by an entirely different experience. My taxi driver at the hotel insisted on taking me everywhere. One day I was an hour late from teaching my class, and he just patiently waited for me...I kept going out to check on him...and he just kept saying he'd wait.
When I walked around in the hotel, I would be greeted by the hotel staff..."Hello Mr. Newman". No seriously, how do you know my name? When I returned home I called the hotel to discuss an issue with the bill, when I told them who I was she replied, "Of course Mr. Newman, I remember you." Wow! Now that truly is great service. If you want to feel like Richard Geer, The Embassy Suites in Mexico City is the way to go!

Well that's it for this week children. Stay tuned for next week when I show up for class wearing a full blown DHARMA suit. See ya!